Virginio Bertone - photographer


Do you work on commission?

Yes. Clients have hired me for different type of works including reportages, calendars , advertising and promotional material. My clients include corporations, non profit organizations and even celebrities. 


How are your photos sold?

My photos have been sold by galleries during exhibitions and at Sotheby’s Milano during the auction “Scatti per bene” . Now my photos can also be purchased by contacting me directly through this website.


Are your photographs  collectible items?

Yes. All my photos are signed and numbered and  I never produce more than six prints from the same nagative. Therefore, if you happen to see edition 6/6 of a photograph you know that it is the last I can print .  Most of the time I print one image at a time in different size and therefore it ‘s quite unlikely that you find two Bertone’s photos that are exactly the same.

Finally my work begins with an analog camera loaded with a b/w film or a color film or a color slide. The printing process is fine art quality and the durability is guaranteed.


Who are your inspirations?

Edward de Bono for lateral thinking  and problem solving in general and Eliott Erwitt for minimalism in photography.


You are a musician. Do you combine your music and images?

Yes. All my reportages come with a soundtrack.  Reportage, expecially slide shows, look a lot better with music.

As an example the music playing on the homepage is a composition of mine  called “Vamos Bien “.  When I had to shoot a reportage in Cuba in 2005 ( rumors about the end of Fidel Castro regime started to spread over the world in 2005 ), I needed some music . All Cuban  bands wanted  to be payed a fortune for recording some songs and I had no budget left for music. So I composed and played the music myself in afrocuban style.

I would like to add more music in this website but my technology guru strongly advised me to avoid music so as not to slow down the website.


Why will you not reveal your age? 

I like to participate in exhibitions and contest for young artists .

“Young artist” generally means someone under the age of 35 and I don’t like discrimination. The  photograph subtitled  “ sheet # 6” ( see something 11-16 ) was exibited in a  young artist contest in St Petersboug in 2009 and it was a lot of fun. Nobody suspected I was older than 35.


Has any of your work ever been censored ?

A triptyc including two pictures on this website (see from art to art 6-23 and from art to art 7-23)   has been refused by Sotheby’ s.

On one occasion a calendar about cars I was commissioned to shoot was censored three days before the deadline (see inventions 15-20, inventions 16-20, inventions 17-20 ) forcing me to shoot an entire new calendar in one day.

Other even more controversial photos are not on this website  to avoid legal problems. If you are over 18 years of age and you want to see more about my censored and controversial works, please inquire at  the “CONTACT” section.

© virginio bertone 2013 - powerd by imaginaria